Drowning in Dogs, Cats, Horses…

Drowning in Dogs, Cats, Horses…

Thu, Jul 11th, 2019 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/drowning-in-dogs-cats-horses/” ]

Animal are not stuffed animals that you can collect until you have 101 puppies or cats. Prosecuting hoarders is a difficult job. This segment will focus on the unique challenges of successfully prosecuting hoarders. It will explore their defenses and how to combat them. Sentencing options will be explored including psychological counseling and creative controls on numbers of animals.

Reducing Recidivism: Creating a Responsible Pet Ownership Program

Reducing Recidivism: Creating a Responsible Pet Ownership Program

Thu, Jul 25th, 2019 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/reducing-recidivism-creating-a-responsible-pet-ownership-program/” ]

Far too often, animal control and humane law enforcement officers deal with the same pet owners time and time again. Are your citations being overlooked by the prosecutors or courts due to higher priority cases? Learn from two agencies regarding their creation of Responsible Pet Ownership courses and how they educate the pet owners while at the same time relieving the prosecutors and courts of having to handle the cases. How much money can you save the courts and how much money you can bring in will also be discussed.

Leading the Chaos

Leading the Chaos

Thu, Aug 8th, 2019 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/leading-the-chaos/” ]

A supervisory and management level training discussing the perils of change in an emerging profession. The instruction will help attendees to appreciate the less than perfect scenarios they work in each and every single day, and how this can ignite creativity to address problems and concerns. The following topics and concepts work in a variety of venues to address both internal department concerns and community-driven problems.

Topics to include:

  • Embrace the “Mess”
  • Rubik’s Cube Model of Change
  • Be an Agent of Chaos.
Retail Sale of Pets: What Investigative Agencies Need to Know

Retail Sale of Pets: What Investigative Agencies Need to Know

Thu, Aug 15th, 2019 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/retail-sale-of-pets-what-investigative-agencies-need-to-know/” ]

Animals from a wide variety of species are sold in retail locations across the country. Law enforcement, Animal Control/Animal Services, Humane Investigators, and Criminal Justice Professionals frequently receive complaints about the standard of care for animals in these establishments.

  • What constitutes a crime in these situations and how would an investigator know what is an appropriate standard of care?
  • Are there industry standards for animals sold in these environments? Are there statutes that govern the retail sale of pets?
  • Do these statutes uniformly apply to all species?

This session will cover a broad overview of the information needed when investigating cases involving
the retail sale of pets.

What Dog Fighters Don’t Want You to Know: Considerations for the Justice Professional

What Dog Fighters Don’t Want You to Know: Considerations for the Justice Professional

Tue, Aug 27th, 2019 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/what-dog-fighters-dont-want-you-to-know-considerations-for-the-justice-professional/” ]

  • What to look for in a possible dogfighting case
  • Identifying the dogfighter’s equipment and paraphernalia.
  • What’s the equipment used for and how?
  • What are the dogfighters thinking?
  • What are the dogfighters doing to keep you off their trail?
  • Questions you can ask.
  • Answers to expect during interviews and which probing questions to ask.
  • What you can do to make sure you have probable cause for dogfighting.


Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Tools in Animal Cruelty Cases

Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Tools in Animal Cruelty Cases

Thu, Sep 12th, 2019 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://justiceclearinghouse.com/webinar/prosecutors-and-law-enforcement-tools-in-animal-cruelty-cases/” ]

Animal cruelty cases can be tricky due to the evidence and reporting collateral crimes to other agencies is important. Whether you are dealing with a case involving one animal or multiple animals, it is important to investigate and prepare the case for successful prosecution.

This presentation is ideal for law enforcement, animal control officers, prosecutors, new employees, and supervisors too. Attendees will learn to initiate the case; resource procurement and coordination; cross-reporting to agencies that may be involved (e.g. Federal al and State Departments of each, Attorney General, Internal Revenue Service, Environmental Protection Departments, Health Departments; Licensing Boards, Department of Child Services, Domestic Violence Interceptors, Department of Agriculture & U.S.D.A., Department of Justice, other Organizations like those offering to hold animals until the case is resolved); evidence gathering and codification; types of evidence; crime scene security, what to include in search warrants; handling live evidence and triage of animals on site if multi-animals are involved, safety for animals and personnel on site and liability issues; experts to consider; suggestions for arrest warrants, conditions bonds and sentencing options for defendants; easy access and sharing of evidence to other agencies; presenting evidence to jury or judge; successful convictions; and troubleshooting.